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Judo and Rei

Judo and Rei

Kano Shihan pioneered Judo as a way in which to nurture people of excellence. Judo practitioners do not merely carry out exercises for the simple acquisition of technical skills. In the course of their study, they also learn Judo as a pathway through life with the aim of developing a fine character.

The spirit of Rei is vital to the study Judo in a manner that promotes self-perfection. Rei is the spirit with which we pay respect to the opponent, and the protocols of etiquette through which we express this sentiment is called Reiho. The cultivation of the spirit of Rei is connected to the development of Jita-Kyoei (mutual benefit), an important tenet that was advocated by Kano Shihan. It is hoped that through Judo and learning the spirit of Rei, practitioners will become fine men and women who can carry the future.

Judo and Rei - Its Spirit
Judo and Rei - Etiquette
Reigi - Dignity of the Judoka (by Kano Jigoro Shihan)